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Tips for End of Summer Air Conditioning Repair

Front door

It may not seem like it, but summer is over. And while fall and winter are not monumentally colder, temperatures do drop and homeowners get ready to switch on their heating. That does not mean it is time to neglect the cooling system. It probably has some wear and tear from the months of steady use. End of summer air conditioning repair in Cupertino, CA isn’t something you want to overlook. Neglecting repairs could leave you without a cooling system when you need it most. So here are some end of season repairs you can do to take care of your air conditioner:

Watch for Unusual Sounds, Sights, and Smells

While running your system you need to be aware of anything abnormal. Odd sounds might indicate a mechanical problem. Signs of condensation or water pooling around the unit means it needs repair. Odd smells might be a sign of mold or mildew. If you notice something odd you should call for repair right away. 

Change your Air Filter

You should check your air filters monthly during peak usage, and replace them as soon as they are clogged. Not only does this help your system run more efficiently, but also prolongs the life of your air conditioning system. So if you haven’t, make that part of your end of summer maintenance. 

Clear Area around the Outdoor Unit

During fall things start to fall off trees. Leaves, weeds, debris, trash—these can surround your outdoor unit and do some damage. A blocked condenser unit increases system operating costs and shortens the life of the system. So as part of your maintenance, tend to the landscape and remove obstructions from around the outdoor unit to give it at least a foot of clearance. 

Adjust Your Thermostat

To control your energy usage and cooling bill you need to be in control of your thermostat. Make sure it has fresh batteries and the programming is responding as it should. If you notice the air conditioning coming on at the wrong times or meeting the wrong temperatures, you might have a problem with your thermostat. It might need repair, replacement, or an upgrade. And because it can be difficult to tell if the thermostat or the A/C unit is the root of the problem, you might need to call an HVAC technician. 

Schedule Air Conditioning Maintenance

The longer you wait on maintenance and repairs, the more problems can crop up that require more expensive repair. And you don’t want to put your system at risk of failure, especially when the heat returns. The best thing is to schedule your annual maintenance check and get small repairs done early. 

Do you need more information or end of season air conditioning repair in Cupertino, CA? Contact Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning at (669) 219-8957 or 1045 N 10th St., San Jose, CA 95112. Our technicians take pride in their work and know success is dependent upon exceeding expectations.

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