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Home Heating Safety Tips


It may seem like winter is far off, but the truth is the colder months will be here before you know it. You need your heating system to keep your home comfortable. But unfortunately with the colder months also comes the increased risk of home heating fires. From 2013 to 2015 an average of 45,900 heating fires occurred each year in the United States. Learn more about furnace repairs in San Jose, CA and how to keep your home safe this winter.

General Heating Safety

Here are a few general safety tips:

  • Test your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors monthly. These will be your best bet for safety should any heating equipment spark a fire.
  • Make sure you have a designated three feet of clearance around each unit if you use open fires or portable heating appliances in your home. About 29% of home heating fires occurred because a flammable object was too close to the heat source.
  • Only plug one heat-producing appliance into an electrical outlet at a time. These appliances need to be plugged directly into the wall—do not use an extension cord. And don’t let children play too close to any heat-producing appliances. Always turn portable heaters off when you leave a room or go to bed.
  • Never use the oven to heat your home. That appliance is meant for cooking only.
  • If you ever smell gas in your home, do not light the appliance. Leave immediately and call the gas company or fire department.

Heating System Safety

Here are a few safety tips more specific to furnaces:

  • Before switching over form the air conditioning to the furnace, make sure you have a technician come out to check and clean your system. This should be an essential part of your home maintenance schedule. The technician can remove dust and debris that might spark a fire, make sure the burners are working properly, and make any minor repairs to keep your system running safely and efficiently.
  • If you decide to install water heaters, central heating, or stationary space heating equipment make sure you hire a qualified professional for installation. That way they can follow the manufacturer’s instructions and meet the local codes.
  • Again, if you ever smell gas coming from your furnace do not try and light the equipment. Turn off the gas valve, leave immediately, and call the gas company or fire department.

Keep your family warm and safe this winter. If you need furnace repair in San Jose, CA we have you covered. Call Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning. We can come to check your system to make sure it is running properly. You can at (669) 219-8957 to set up a service appointment. Or you can visit 1045 N 10th St., San Jose, CA 95112
if you have any questions about home heating safety.

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