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Tips for Reducing Heating Bills This Winter

Heating radiators

The summer season is going to start transitioning into fall. And as we are looking ahead at the cooler weather, there is still a lot of uncertainty. Will children go back to school? Will employees be able to go back to the office? Or will people be spending even more time at home? One thing you want to be certain about is that your home will be a safe, comfortable place to live without driving up the heating costs. So you need to make sure you get furnace repair in Cupertino, CA before the busy season strikes. And to cut back on heating costs, here are a few energy-saving tips:

1. Seal and Insulate Your Windows

A good place to start is by checking your windows and doors for leaks. You can order an energy audit, or you can test windows and doors yourself. Simply close all exterior openings and run all the exhaust fans inside your home. This will create negative pressure. Then light a match or an incense stick and pass the smoke around the windows and doors. If the smoke pulls inward you likely have a leak. You can usually seal up these leaks with caulking or weather-stripping to reduce energy losses.

2. Use a Programmable Thermostat

Another option to reduce heating costs is by converting to a programmable or smart thermostat. This allows you to schedule when your system will run and gives you more control over the temperature changes in your home. It will also keep the system from running too much while you are away so you can better capitalize on energy savings.

3. Turn the Heat Down a Notch

You want your home to feel comfortable, but instead of turning up the thermostat every time you get a chill, try adding a sweater or a thicker pair of socks to your wardrobe. You might also consider getting a throw blanket for each room. That way you can keep the thermostat at a slightly lower temperature throughout the day instead of constantly adjusting the thermostat and driving up the cost of heating.

4. Change Out Furnace Filters

One way to help your system run efficiently is by routinely checking and replacing the filters on your HVAC system. A clogged filter restricts airflow. And the system has to work twice as hard to pull and heat the same amounts of air. Not only will this increase your energy bills, but it can also cause your furnace to wear out and break down a lot faster.

5. Be Diligent About Maintenance

furnace repair in Cupertino, CA

Another important way to help your system run efficiently is by maintaining annual appointments with an HVAC technician. This will allow a professional the chance to check on your furnace and make repairs before a minor problem becomes a major one. They should be able to spot problems early and help your system run for many more years to come.

6. Install a New Furnace

Sometimes you have to decide to cut your losses and part ways with an old furnace. Upgrading to a new system will be an upfront investment, but it will save you a lot of trouble and unnecessary repairs in the long run.

For more information about saving on your heating bills or furnace repair in Cupertino, CA contact the experts at Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning.

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