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Solution for Lingering Smoke Smell

Outside units

The lingering smell of smoke from cigarettes, cooking in the kitchen, or this year’s wildfires can be exasperating and difficult to get rid of. It can linger in the home long after the flames go out. Scented candles and air fresheners only mask the smell temporarily. And opening the windows dilutes the smell, but doesn’t get rid of it. Luckily there are cleaning tricks and some small air conditioning repairs in Cupertino, CA that you can try to help get rid of the smell permanently.

Clean the Carpets

Deep cleaning the carpets is a great place to start. Carpets have so many fibers that absorb dirt, stains, and smells. Getting them cleaned can help eliminate a lingering smoke smell.

Wash the Walls

Cleaning all hard surfaces is another thing you can do. Mix a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and hot water and use that to wipe down walls, counters, cupboards, and floors. The vinegar may smell for a little while, but as it evaporates other odors will be eliminated.

Clean or Replace Window Treatments

The next step is to launder any washer-safe cushions, covers, curtains, and linens. Here you can mix in a cup of vinegar as well to help eliminate odors. Then let them air dry outside in the sun.

Clean or Remove Furniture

Anything upholstered is going to retain the smoke smell much longer. It might be a good idea to have your sofas and couches professionally cleaned if the smell is a major problem.

Change the Air Filter

Your HVAC air filter may have accumulated odor molecules. So every time the system runs it pumps the smell back into the air. Replacing the filter with an activated charcoal filter to help eliminate smoke and odors from the air.

Run a Dehumidifier

Humid air intensifies the smell of smoke. So one option you might consider is running a dehumidifier in rooms where the smell of smoke is the most intense.

Schedule a Duct Cleaning

If the home was exposed to smoke for a long period of time, smoke by-products likely built up in the ductwork. To eliminate the smell entirely you would have to get your ducts cleaned by a professional.

air conditioning repairs in Cupertino, CA

Get an Air Conditioning Service

If the odor infiltrated the ductwork it may also be in the evaporator coil. And anytime the air conditioning runs the smoke smell returns. An HVAC professional can check to see if the coil is dirty and clean it if necessary to help eliminate the odor.

Use an Air Purifier

Air purification systems can work alongside your HVAC system to remove harmful and toxic particles from the air. Not only do they work on odors, but some can also help eliminate allergens, bacteria, and viruses.

Try an Ozone Generator

The next best option is an ozone generator if the smoke odor still lingers. This powerful cleanser creates activated oxygen to entirely eliminate the smell of smoke. If used properly and according to the manufacturer’s instructions this will oxidize the smoke molecules so they are no more.

Call our experts today for more information about furnace and air conditioning repair in Cupertino, CA.

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