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5 Ways to Control Energy Use This Spring


It is common for homeowners to seek out ways to minimize monthly utility bills without sacrificing their family’s comfort. Unfortunately, spring is often synonymous with inflated energy bills. It is the time of year when homes switch over from heating to cooling. And the way temperatures in our area warm up quickly, that first electric bill of the season can be quite a shock. Luckily, with air conditioning repair in Cupertino, CA, and a few other maintenance tasks, you can help control your energy use this spring.

Schedule a Pre-Season Service

Start the season off right by getting your annual service on your HVAC system. The technicians can help shut off your heating and get your air conditioner ready for full use. During these routine checks, our technicians check for any minor repairs or damages and make sure the system is running as safely and efficiently as possible. Not only does this help cut down on energy bills, but it also helps keep you ahead of most emergency breakdowns and prolongs the life of your HVAC system.

Change Out the Air Filters

The air filters throughout your HVAC system are a key element in safety and energy efficiency. These are meant to keep dust and debris out of the system so it can operate at peak efficiency. If an air filter is clogged it can restrict airflow. When this happens, the HAVC system has to work overtime to move air through the ducts. So make sure you swap out your air filters at the beginning of the season and check them once a month to make sure they are still in a manageable condition.

Invest in a Programmable Thermostat

If you haven’t invested in a programmable thermostat, what are you waiting for? This is one of the best things you can do if you are looking to save energy. Upgrading the thermostat allows you to set a schedule for your heating and cooling, that way you aren’t using unnecessary energy while you are away from home. Taking it one step further, and upgrading to a smart thermostat will save you even more because it will automatically update and allows you to control the temperature of your home even when you aren’t there.

Install a Humidifier

Humidity has a lot to do with how hot or cold a home can feel. In the winter, running the furnace can dry out the air. In the summer, using the air conditioner can add extra humidity. Adding a humidifier to the HVAC system will help regulate the moisture in the air and keep it in a healthy, comfortable, and efficient range.


Unblock Registers

The HVAC system in your home is designed to efficiently heat and cool the entire space. Blocking off certain registers can actually make the system less efficient. So at the beginning of the spring season, you will want to double-check all the registers and make sure they are open and unrestricted.

These simple steps will help your heating and air conditioning run most efficiently. And if you notice any other problems, you can call for air conditioning repair in Cupertino, CA right away. The service experts at Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning can get your system back on track so you can have better control over your energy use this spring and summer.

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