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Furnaces: How Do They Work and What Are Your Options?


A furnace is a main component of the HVAC system, and knowing when you get furnace repair in Saratoga, CA is important if you want your system to last. But the type of maintenance you need will largely depend on the type of system you have and how it works. So here is some basic information that will help you understand your furnace.

How Do Furnaces Work?

When you set the thermostat it activates the furnace, signaling that it should begin heating the air. How the furnace works depends on several factors, but has the main objective of heating the air and distributing it throughout the home via the ducts and vents. Furnaces differ depending on the type of fuel used to generate and transfer heat.

Three Main Types of Furnaces

Here are the three main types of furnaces and some of the benefits of each type:

Gas Furnaces

These include both natural gas and propane furnaces. A propane furnace requires an extra storage take for fuel. With natural gas, the furnace is connected to an underground pipe as the gas source. With both types, the gas enters the unit, the burner gets activated, and it heats the air as it blows through the system via a heating fan. During the heating process, a vent will expel the exhaust to a flue pipe. Natural gas and propane furnaces are affordable, versatile, efficient, and safe.

Electric Furnaces

The electric furnace uses electric heating elements or coils to heat the air. A motor pumps cool air into the system. The air gets directed to the heating elements to warm. Once the air heats, it gets redirected via the ductwork to other areas of the house. Electric furnaces come equipped with a limit switch that senses the temperature of the furnace and alerts the blower fan when to turn off and on as long as the system is functioning normally. If the internal temperature gets too hot, the limit switch will shut down the system. The benefits of electric heating systems include efficiency, no need for an external storage tank, and a longer lifespan.

furnace repair in Saratoga, CA

Oil Furnaces

Like propane furnaces, an oil furnace needs a dedicated tank that holds the fuel. And like electric furnaces, the heater operates on the basic principle of converting air drawn into the system into warm air. As soon as the temperature falls below the indication on the thermostat, the furnace turns on. The fuel pump draws oil from the storage take, the oil passes through a filter and onto the burner chamber and then changed from a liquid to a mist. The burner is sprayed with the mist of oil and ignites. Once the heat within the chamber reaches an elevated temperature, then air is drawn in and directed to the burner chamber. The air heats and is redirected through the ductwork to other areas of the home. The benefits of an oil system are that they are often less expensive than gas and electric furnaces, and repairs are less expensive.

Need help figuring out your furnace or need furnace repair in Saratoga, CA? Contact the experts at Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning to set up an appointment.

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