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6 Tips to Prepare Your HVAC System for Autumn

A close up image of a radiator

It may seem like a while off, but fall is just around the corner. The kids will go back to school. Football season will start. Temperatures will begin to drop. It will all come faster than you think. And with so much going on, the last thing on your mind is probably your HVAC system. Luckily, basic furnace repair in Cupertino, CA is easy to do. Here are a few simple tips you can follow to prepare your heating for fall.

1. Clean the Furnace

Cleaning is the first step of furnace maintenance. It is the best way to prolong the life of your system. Removing all the dust and debris is relatively easy. First, shut off the furnace. You can cut power at the switch or the circuit breaker. And if you have a gas furnace, shut off the gas valve as well. Next, remove the sides of the furnace and use the vacuum to remove dust and dirt. Gently clean off dust from the blower fan as well as the sides of the furnace.

2. Check for Rust

Once the components are clean you should check for any signs of damage, this includes looking for corrosion or holes. In the process of heating the home, gas furnaces produce carbon monoxide. It is a colorless and odorless gas that should be vented outside. However, if there are any holes in the heat exchangers or combustion chamber, the dangerous gas can leak out. This is hazardous and could put the occupants at risk. You should mention any corrosion to your technician and also make sure you have carbon monoxide detectors installed in your home.

3. Check the Pilot Light

When the system is clean you can switch back on the gas and the power. Then take a moment to check on the pilot light. It should have a steady blue flame with a yellow or orange tip. It shouldn’t flutter, flicker, or burn with spurts of yellow or orange.

4. Replace the Air Filters

You should replace the filters in your HVAC system every one to three months. If you don’t check the filters regularly, this can restrict airflow and cause the furnace to work harder. Clogged filters can also make the air you breathe dirtier.

5. Clean the Registers

If the system seems in working order you can replace the covers on your furnace and move on to the next step. This involves cleaning the registers and return vents around the house. Cleaning away the dirt will improve airflow so the furnace can work efficiently to heat the home.

A brightly lit house with no furniture

6. Schedule a Furnace Tune-Up

You should schedule regular furnace maintenance every fall. Getting your furnace inspected every year helps reduce the risk of breakdowns and ensures your system is operating safely. During furnace repair, the technician will calibrate the thermostat, check all operations, clean electrical connections and burners, and test safety switches. All this can prepare your heating for winter and check for any small problems before they become a more serious issue.

Ready for your annual furnace repair in Cupertino, CA? Contact our experts today for your routine maintenance.

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