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10 Signs your Furnace Needs Repair


Keeping your furnace in Saratoga, CA in good repair is not only prudent but vital. This isn’t an appliance you can trade in and get any value out of it. Once your furnace has run its course that is it. Most furnaces last about 15 years, but poor maintenance can shorten that lifespan. Fortunately, there are signs you can watch for to help you spot trouble and get a tune-up before it can impact your system. Here is what to look for: 

  1. It has BeenYear Since Your Last Service
    Have you been neglecting your furnace for a year or more? If the answer is yes, it is time to call an HVAC technician for service. At the very least they can clean your system and make sure everything is performing as it should. 
  2. Pooling Water around the Furnace
    Your furnace has the potential to leak two substances: gas and water. A water leak is less dangerous but still needs to be addressed by a professional. Generally, water comes from a clogged condensate line, something you want to fix quickly to keep your home warm.  
  3. Smell of Gas
    A gas leak is dangerous and usually identified by smell. If you notice the smell of natural gas you should shut down your furnace immediately and shut off the gas supply valve. Do not light matches or turn on any lights. Instead, call a professional HVAC technician as soon as possible. 
  4. Constant Cycling
    Over cycling is when your furnace kicks on and off repeatedly, running more than it should. This happens because of a clogged filter, complications with the thermostat, or poor air circulation. 
  5. Odd Noises
    Ever hear thumps, scrapes, or banging noises coming from your furnace? These are never a good sign. They typically mean something is wrong with your furnace and you need to get it checked out right away. Usually, these types of noises will not go away on their own. 
  6. Furnace Blowing Cold Air
    This often stems from a problem with the pilot light or thermocouple. These are complex components of your system and not something you want to try and figure out on your own. 
  7. Lack of Air Blowing Out the Vents
    Furnaces can go from air flowing freely to barely anything coming from the vents. It could stem from a small problem with the furnace or a larger problem with motors and belts. Either way, you need an HVAC technician to come and check things out and make repairs. You don’t want to go too long without heat on a cold night. 
  8. The Thermostat isn’t Working
    The thermostat gauges the current temperature and tells your HVAC system how much heat it needs to produce. When it stops doing that it could be because of an electrical issue, loose wiring, blown fuse, or tripped circuit breaker. You can troubleshoot a couple of these problems, but beyond flipping the breaker and checking for batteries, you will probably have a problem that needs to be addressed by a professional. 
  9. Utility Bill Rises Unexpectedly 
    If your heating bill goes way up without the corresponding increase in usage this is a strong indicator your furnace needs repair. It could be problems with the ductwork that can be difficult to pin down. 
  10. Old Age
    Most HVAC systems have a lifespan of 15 years depending on model, usage, and maintenance. If your furnace is getting up in years you need to keep a closer eye on it and get regular repairs. 

If you notice any of the above problems it is time to call an HVAC professional to come and look at your furnace in Saratoga, CA. The experts at Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning are here to help and will address your problem as quickly as possible. at (669) 219-8957 to schedule an appointment or service for your furnace. Or you can visit our office at 1045 N 10th St., San Jose, CA 95112. 

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