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Why Does My Air Conditioning Run Constantly in the Summer?


The hot and sticky months might seem far away, but that doesn’t mean you can put air conditioning in Cupertino, CA completely out of your mind. The warmth will be back before you know it. And if your air conditioning is constantly running over the summer it is frustrating and costly. There are several reasons why your system might always be on.  These tips might help you fix, or at least troubleshoot the source of the problem. 

  1. Improper Size or Installation
    Up to 75% of air conditioning problems can be resolved with the correct system size and installation. If the unit for your air conditioner is too small it will have to work hard to keep your home cool and you may never reach the desired coolness. As the weeks and months go by this increases the wear and tear on the unit, reducing its efficiency and life.  Breakdowns are likely. If the system is too large for your home it cannot effectively remove the moisture from the air. This results in shorter run times, but the output of damp, clammy air. Another problem could be the wrong duct sizes which may not be able to handle the proper airflow or efficient function. 
  2. Clogged Air Filter
    When was the last time you checked and replaced your air filter? This is something you should check monthly during peak use and replace every time it looks clogged. The most common reason HVAC systems break down is clogged air filters. A dirty filter restricts airflow, cutting down on the amount of cool air the system produces. In turn, this makes the air conditioning run more often throughout the day. Again, this drives up energy costs, reduces efficiency, and causes unnecessary wear and tear to the system. Checking the filter is one simple way to keep the system running as it should. 
  3. Coils Covered in Dirt
    If the filter isn’t dirty it might be the condenser or evaporator coils. Dirt, yard waste, pet hair, mud—all of these things can block airflow and diminish performance. Condenser coils are outside and a little easier to get to for cleaning. Just make sure you turn off the power first. Evaporator coils are more difficult and a service technician can check them during an annual system check. 
  4. Broken Thermostat
    If your air conditioning never turns off it could be an issue with the thermostat. The first thing you should do is check to make sure it is set properly. Sometimes kids or guests might mess with the settings. That is an easy fix. But if the settings are correct your thermostat might not register when your home reaches the correct temperature. Place another thermometer near the thermostat and check the reading after a couple of hours. If it is at or below the desired temperature then you have a problem. 
  5. Air Leaks or Poor Insulation
    This is another reason why your system might run all day long—you are losing all your cool air to the outside. Sealing and insulating your home is vital, especially around windows, doors, and other fenestrations. 

If you have more questions about air conditioning in Cupertino, CA contact Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning. We can service your HVAC system and help you work out why your air conditioning runs constantly. Call us at (669) 219-8957 or visit 1045 N 10th St., San Jose, CA 95112. 

The post Why Does My Air Conditioning Run Constantly in the Summer? appeared first on Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning.
