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Increasing Airflow Through Your Vents


If you feel the airflow through your vents isn’t what it used to be, this could mean your system can’t circulate the air and cool your home efficiently. Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons why the airflow could be diminished. But how do you increase the airflow in the home? Luckily you have come to the right place. Here are a few of the common causes of restricted airflow and air conditioning repair in San Jose, CA that can help.

The Air Filter

The first thing to check is the air filters in your HVAC system. These are the gatekeepers meant to trap all the dust and dirt before it enters your system and keeps the indoor air clear. The first thing to check is to see if they are clogged. A dirty filter will restrict airflow and could ruin your entire system. But if the filter isn’t too dirty you should check to make sure it is the right size and the right weave. If the filter is too narrow or the weave is too tight it can cause weak airflow. And if you are unsure about a filter you can check with an HVAC professional to make sure it is compatible with your system.

Duct Leaks

Over the years ducts can develop holes, cracks, and gaps. This can have a huge impact on the airflow to your vents. So you could try checking any exposed ductwork and foil tape any gaps to close off the leak. Otherwise, you will need to hire a professional to come and do a survey of your system.

Undersized or Oversized Ductwork

If the furnace is the heart of your home, then the ducts are the arteries that send air throughout the home. But for ducts to work properly they need to be the right size. If the ducts are oversized the air can get lost on the way to the vents. And if they are undersized the system can’t push air efficiently. This is something the installer should have verified, but if you have upgraded your air conditioner it might be worth a check.

Closed Off Vents

A lot of homeowners think that it is a good idea to close vents off in rooms they don’t occupy. The thinking is this will force air only to the rooms that need it and help the system work more efficiently. But that isn’t the case. The furnace is specifically designed to efficiently pump air to all the vents in the home. If you close off too many it can throw off the balance of airflow and actually reduce the efficiency of the system.

If you have checked all of these possible causes of low airflow and can’t seem to figure out the problem it is time to call for air conditioning repair in San Jose, CA. A professional can come out and survey your system and recommend the proper repairs. Contact Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning at (669) 219-8957 or stop by 1045 N 10th St San Jose, CA 95112 if you have any questions.

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